To request a return, please log in to your account through this LINK select the item or order you want to return, and provide the reason for returning the product. This information helps us improve our service and products.

You have 30 calendar days to return it, counting from the day you receive it.

The return is free only if it is processed through Lorena Canals.

We do not accept returns for products shipped to non-EU European countries. Due to customs regulations and associated costs with international shipping, we are unable to process returns from countries such as lbania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, City of Vatican, Iceland, Kosovo, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Norway, Russia, San Marino, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.

We highly recommend carefully reviewing your products and making an informed purchasing decision before placing your order


  • The product must be in the original packaging in which it arrived or in packaging of similar characteristics.
  • If there are various products to return, all the items should be grouped into a single package to facilitate the return.
  • Once the products have been received and examined in our warehouse, the amount paid will be refunded within 10 days. The refund will be made by the same method of payment used at the time of purchase (Credit Card, Paypal...). In accordance with our return policy, the customer will be responsible for the shipping costs which will be deducted from the amount paid (aprox. 19€ for a rug in the EU).
  • If you have paid for shipping cost with your order, they will not be refunded.
  • The product will be deemed to have been returned in perfect condition if, as well as being free of blemishes, it possesses the various labels showing the product details and quality/care information. In the event of not fulfilling one of these requirements it will not be possible to accept the return.
  • We offer you warranties on the products that we commercialize through this web page, responding therefore, by the lack of conformity in a term of two years from the delivery of the product.
  • During our special promotion periods, where we offer gifts with purchase for orders exceeding a certain amount, it is important to note the following:
    If you decide to return one or more products from your order and the final purchase value falls below the minimum amount required to receive the gift with purchase, you will need to return the gift as well.